Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Growing like a weed!

Next week my baby boy will be 9 months old! Where in the world has the time gone? In the last month he has started scooting and rolling all over the place (his favorite place to visit is under his seat to see if he can help himself to any leftovers from breakfast), cut his first two teeth, is finally sleeping through the night and has developed an appetite fit for a Moose :) This boy can EAT! I am starting to loose sleep over the fact that I may need to get a job to be able to afford to feed him in a few short years!

Benton is one of the happiest babies that I have ever been around, up until last month he would wake up at about 3am most nights to practice his "singing". He would wake up and coo, blow raspberries, and talk until I would go in and nurse him back to sleep...but every time I go into his room and peer over the side of his crib he gives me the biggest smile like I have hung the moon. It melts my heart every time! I say often that if he wasn't so cute and sweet I might give him away in the middle of the night. Momma likes her sleep!

I am already missing his big toothless grin, the little pearls of white peeking into his smile makes him look so much older already! Nina didn't get any teeth until she was 13 months old so it was a huge shock when I stuck my finger in his mouth to give him a bite of something and had to draw back in pain from him biting me. The other reason that it was such a shock is that he wasn't fussy! About 2 weeks before he cut his first tooth I bought him a baltic amber teething necklace in hopes that it would help with the inflammation in his gut from his dairy allergy...Well all I can say is WOW! I didn't even have a clue he was cutting a tooth until he did! I am sold!

I know that before long he will be chasing his big sister all over the place, I just hope that I have enough energy to keep up with both of them! If only he can hold off on the real crawling until after I have the new place at least mostly baby proofed...A mom can dream, right?

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